The Man of Extinction
When you understand that history is cyclical, not something linear and always moving towards “progress”; that civilisations rise, fall, and reform into something new in a never-ending cycle, you may perhaps feel better about your place in that cycle. You may realise that the cycle is necessary and that while it can be unpleasant to live during the “fall” stage, there will always be the “rebirth” stage. There will always be the possibility that something will emerge, something new and perhaps even more glorious than the civilisation that preceded it. Hard Times Make Good Men, etc.
But there is another stage in the cycle, one that completes—or perhaps it’s more accurate to say—“terminates” the cycle. It’s the stage of extinction, and it’s what I’m afraid awaits not just Western kind but all of humanity.
There are several examples of civilisations which have suffered the extinction phase. For some, like the Aztecs or the Atlanteans, the process was cataclysmic and catastrophic. More often however, the process is long and unnoticeable, until eventually there is hardly any living trace of the people who formed the erstwhile civilisation.
If the fate of “the West” were simply to pass through the cycle of Rise, Fall, and Rebirth/Reformation without having to meet the terminal phase of Extinction, perhaps I’d feel more optimistic, more tranquil, like the enlightened person mentioned earlier who understands and embraces this cycle. But I feel, and perhaps you feel it too, that we’re facing extinction and that is why we are so uneasy, and see the future as nothing but grim. There are two reasons why I think Europeans, and eventually all humanity, is in danger of extinction.
The first is obvious. Europeans make up a tiny fraction of the human population and our already small number relative to those other populations is decreasing. Not only decreasing, but we are being wiped out and replaced in our own and only homelands.
Troy fell. But Aeneas and a handful of Trojans survived and, according to legend, became the progenitors of the Romans. Rome fell. But the Romans survive today in the genome of modern Italians. The Roman Empire arose from the fall in its new form, The Holy Roman Empire. The European nations arose. Europe after Rome was reborn into something perhaps even more mighty and glorious, one might argue. The point being that as long as the people survived and continued to pass on their genetics and bio-spirit, the civilisations founded and nurtured by those people only experienced a fall, followed by a rebirth.
What happens when the people don’t survive? Extinction. What will happen to Western civilisation if our numbers continue to fall and our kind continues to be replaced? There won’t be a reformation or rebirth of our civilisation because we won’t be around to continue the cycle.
This also spells doom for the rest of humanity, as it is clear that the blessed European man has been the source of almost every great achievement of the human species. Achievements which spread to and throughout the tribes and civilisations of other men, elevating them to new and often improved planes of existence. Putting arguments about the merits of modernity aside for a moment, the simple fact is that over 95% of all technological and medical inventions or discoveries were realised by European men. What will the world be like when he is gone, reduced to a far-away, barely traceable blip in the human gene pool?
Now let’s address modernity, technology, and their merits. The final nail in humanity’s coffin, and the reason why the cycle won’t continue with rebirth and reformation, is the inescapable fact that we are tightening the chains of what can only be described as mankind’s universal enslavement. I say tightening the chains because our enslavement is not a condition we are just now experiencing. We have been enslaved and chained up for a while now.
A History of Enslavement. A Future of Obsolescence.
I don’t know exactly when, what exact date in history I could point to and say “this is when we all became enslaved”, but the creation of central banks in the 19th and 20th centuries is a good place to start.
With the ubiquity of smart technology, the surveillance state, the advent of AI, transhumanism, and the New World Order which is founded on the approaching Fourth Industrial Revolution, we are seeing mankind sink further into a swamp which he won’t able to crawl out of—wet and exhausted, but at least alive and free.
Instead, the man of Extinction is trapped in giant cityscapes. His ability to dream, to make spontaneous decisions, is no more. His connection to nature goes no further than seeing the occasional row of trees planted amongst the asphalt and concrete and skyscrapers. He is constantly monitored. Constantly plugged in to the throbbing, pulsating waves of 5G towers. His attention is always in demand. Never a moment for pause, reflection, creation. Indeed, soon he won’t even recognise a desire for those things. He won’t know that he needs them.
He is constantly injected with concoctions that weaken his immune system and render him dependent on the centralised powers of the New World Order just to live without suffering painful or life-threatening diseases. His health and well-being is further degraded by his diet of synthetic and insect-based lab-grown “meat” and other ultra processed foods that even a hungry dog turns its nose at.
His only motivation is looking forward to the 6 days of vacation he is allowed to enjoy, if he’s lucky to get and/or afford that many. And when he goes on his vacation, he won’t even notice or be bothered by the fact that everywhere is the same. The same music. The same people. The same food. The same buildings. The same behavioural protocols and regulations.
Many humans all over the world have already been living like this for some time: Enslaved by the banks. Enslaved by technology. Enslaved by the state. But at least there were ways of escaping, there were pockets of the world where people could live with as little interaction with the System as possible. They could live in nature. They could live in safe and prosperous societies in small villages and towns, enjoy the pleasure of a spontaneous walk in the woods or a raucous night in the pub with good company. Now, with the onset of this New World Order, this one world governance of Globohomo, and the fusion of the digital and the biological, I don’t see how we will still have those things that make us human. The 5G towers, digital identity systems, surveillance cameras, and the hordes of lesser humans whose purpose is to explode like biological weapons and destroy the safe and functioning society, will come—indeed they have already arrived—to the towns and villages.
When the globalist vision of existence is finally and fully realised, and I don’t see anything stopping it, what way back will mankind have? What potential for a rebirth will there be? There is no escape. Or have you become so used to the word “globalism” that you’ve forgotten just what the first six letters refer to? This fate is for all of us. It is totalitarian. Global in its scope and total in its range. There won’t be a speck of this earth or tribe walking it which won’t be reached by the stretching tentacles of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Internet of Things, the Internet of Bodies.
Therefore the unavoidable future of humanity is to be nothing more than cattle forever controlled by the herders in Silicon Valley, in Brussels, in Beijing. The necessary human spirit which rebirth requires will be extinguished, as will be the race of human most capable of rising again and creating something new, of continuing the cycle.
If it weren’t for the looming figure of technological tyranny and the fusion of the digital with the biological, I could continue to believe in the cycle of history. I could believe that this ugly, dumb, and shallow civilisation would meet its end just as countless others have done, and a new and better civilisation would slowly emerge.
But that must happen organically. That only happens because Nature is the guide, because men are free to be men, to unleash all their qualities both of creation and destruction as they forge a new world for themselves from the rubble of the old one. If we lose that, if we become chained to the wall of Technocracy, AI, transhumanism, and a global government of cynical “managerial types”, then I’m afraid it’s no exaggeration to say that humanity as we understand it will become extinct.