In 1941, Jewish-American businessman Theodore Kaufman wrote Germany Must Perish! This 104-page booklet advocated for ‘the extinction of the German nation and the total eradication from the earth of all her people’ via forced sterilisation. Fun fact: between the pages of Germany Must Perish! and Mein Kampf, one can find an open call to annihilate an entire race of people only in the former.
Fast forward to 2023 and another American Jew named Kauffman (this one adds a second ‘f’ to the name) is at work writing polemics, albeit not in the form of self-published booklets but rather in the form of petty posts on the social media site formerly known as Twitter. Jeremy Kauffman is the C.E.O. of LBRY Inc. LBRY is described by Wikipedia as ‘a blockchain-based file-sharing and payment network that powers decentralized platforms, primarily social networks and video platforms.’ It is also the progenitor of Odysee, a video platform with which many readers will be familiar.
While not going so far as desiring the extermination of the Germans, Jeremy Kauffman can still hold a candle to Theodore K. when it comes to brazen proclamations of Jewish superiority and sneering derision towards European peoples. My first glimpse of this came in the summer of this year, right around the time an online personality called Elijah Schaffer was conducting polls on the app now known as X. One poll asked ‘Would you rather have your son be in the KKK or be in the LGBTQ’ and another offered voters a choice between ‘Gay US Liberal Democracy’ and fascism. The poll that got Kauffman’s attention, and later mine, put the following question to Twitter users: ‘Do you believe Jews disproportionately control the world’s institutions, banks, & are waging war on white, western society?’
Jeremy K. responded by stating:
Jews disproportionately control the world primary [sic] because they’re disproportionately intelligent. It’s that simple. No conspiracy necessary!
It’s worth noting that Jeremy’s answer does not address the second part of Elijah Schaffer’s question. It only addresses the question of disproportionate control of institutions and banks, and it waves the question away by asserting that this control is simply the result of Jews being geniuses. Here we see another example of what Michael Anton coined The Celebration Parallax.