An Experiment Gone Wrong
How a double murder in Ireland puts the dangerous delusions of modern liberalism on full display.
Last week Sligo, Ireland, was struck with the most alarming news of a possible serial killer on the loose. A city with a population of around 20,000 located the northwestern countryside of the Emerald Isle, Sligo isn’t the sort of place you expect to make headlines. Yet we live in strange times. Dark times. Even the remotest of locations and the sleepiest of towns can fall prey to the machinations of those who have for so many years now done nothing more than treat our nations and societies like a laboratory experiment. The serial killer was no ordinary Irishman, and his victims were not random either. These murders illustrated the clash, once again, of two of the ruling class’s vainest vanity projects: mass immigration and multicultural/multiracial societies, and the open celebration and promotion of homosexuality.
Here are the relevant details, details which are uncomfortable for anyone to recognise, but even more difficult for those in the liberal world order. Michael Snee and Aidan Moffit were two gay men killed by Yousef Palani, a 22 year old Iranian Kurd who had come to Ireland in 2006 as a refugee.
As the investigation is still in its nascency, we’ll have to wait for more information to emerge. What has been made public, along with the names of the suspect and victims, is the nature of the murders, which has been described as devasting and grotesque. The killings have also been characterised as being motived by ‘gay hate’.
As with the death of Ashling Murphy in January, the reaction from Ireland’s ruling class, its media, and its sanctimonious progressive population, has been one of dizzying hypocrisy, double-standards, mendacity, and masochism. When Murphy was murdered, the liberal hive-mind buzzed with calls to address Ireland’s deep-seated ‘rape culture’, with solutions to the problem ranging from more censorship online to banning men from going out at night. Because, you see, violence against women is a ‘pandemic’ created and caused by men. There was no lack of exploitation of Murphy’s tragic demise in order to promote the misandrist feminism of the 21st century. Then it was revealed that the woman-killer was a Roma gypsy, and suddenly so much talk of addressing the culprits died down. While previously it had been deemed not only acceptable but necessary to hold the killer’s identity as a male up to scrutiny, along with all other Irish males, suddenly it was a sin to scrutinise his ethnicity and culture, and question what exactly his kind are doing in Ireland and what they contribute to its society.
In Ireland, as with nearly every Occidental country, hate speech and hate crimes laws have been increasing. With immigrants from all over the 3rd world invading Eire, the Irish ruling class decided to take the measure we’ve all come to expect: simply make it a crime to criticise the invaders and their enablers. Given the fact that it is taboo, if not illegal, to point out the misdeeds of Ireland’s growing ‘diverse’ inhabitants, perhaps it’s no surprise that the media class took the easier path of blaming men in general for Ashling Murphy’s death.
But a few months later, one of the pets of these open borders NGOs broke off his leash, again. His victims were men, however. Now shaping a narrative gets a bit more complicated. If it’s a crime to speak ill of Diversity Inc., and if men are only and ever the perpetrators of violence and oppression, what can the ruling class and its media boot-lickers say about an Iranian who murdered two men?
Thankfully, and I choose that word intentionally knowing full well that for many Irish progressives they were indeed thankful, the Iranian’s victims were gay. The Irish journos, the progressive activists, the libs of Tik Tok, all breathed a sigh of relief. If at first their prayers of ‘please let the killer be Irish, please let the killer be Irish’ had gone unanswered, at least now they could mount a rearguard defence. The crime, you see, wasn’t committed by an invader who had no right or reason to be in Ireland. It was committed by a homophobe. It’s not that these murders are the consequence of importing people from a fundamentally conservative and religiously extremist culture into a foreign culture which is pulling farther and farther towards leftist progressivism and the celebration of all manner of sexual abnormality. No, these murders are an example of the rampant homophobia and hatred towards the LGBTQMAP Alphabet People for which all of Ireland is to blame. That is, all of Ireland that isn’t a part of the liberal progressive order. For those who are, they are blameless, their sins washed away by the patron saint of virtue signallers on social media. If you think I’m misrepresenting the views of Ireland’s liberal, open-borders ruling and media class, I can assure you that I’m not. Years of interacting with Irish liberals and globalists on Twitter, along with their ‘new Irish’ African and Arab pets, has served to inform me, beyond any shadow of doubt, of their views.
The reality is that the deaths of Snee and Moffit are unquestionably the result of treating Ireland, and the rest of Europe, like a petri dish. In this petri dish our malevolent rulers conduct their experiments. These experiments are ideological, sociological, technological, and economic in nature. The ethnomasochism of hating one’s own kind while welcoming every other race and ethnicity (especially if they’re not European) into your country is something that has hardly ever, if not never, occurred in history. Open borders, mass immigration, multicultural and multiracial societies are a modern experiment, and one whose disastrous results are clear to see. The globalist left likes to defend or downplay this modern species of migration by appealing to the migrations of the ancient past, or the diversity of empires such as the Roman one, but they always fail to realise that the migrations of the ancient world usually led to violent clashes, total war, and even genocide. It turns out that most people don’t like to be forced into mixing with foreign peoples, nor be forced to share their lands and resources, and will frequently take up arms to defend them. Any Irishman who pretends not to understand this is doing just that, pretending. Because even the most liberal Irishman will happily proclaim ‘Ireland for the Irish!’ so long as the person putting that claim to the test by crossing the seas to set foot in Ireland is an Englishman. Concerning the appeal to Ancient Rome’s celebrated diversity, at what point did the Romans ever become the minority in Rome? The native Irish are on course to become the minority in their own island country within the next 30 years and a trip to Ireland’s major cities is enough to prove to your own eyes that the process of demographic replacement is well underway. Not even 800 years of English occupation, Cromwell’s attempted genocides, and An Gorta Mor, came as close to wiping out the Gaels as the delusional policies of liberal globalists.
Only the globalist, multiracial, Kalergi model of Ireland could give us an African playing Sétanta in a state-funded television production. Only this modern, ethnomasochistic Ireland could promote a narcissist like Denise Chaila, a Zambian rapper who demands to be considered as much a Gael as Brian Bóruma. Only an Ireland which has seen usurpers take advantage of its famous friendliness and welcoming spirit could not just tolerate but even celebrate foreigners who openly brag about replacing the Irish people. And only an Ireland in the clutches of a ruling class which hates its own people could bemoan the fact that the Irish rugby team is ‘too Irish’, and crown an African woman as Miss Ireland.
On top of the demographic experiment, the labcoats in the laboratory then decided to add to the petri dish a bit of sexual revolution and the subversion of Ireland’s traditions and religion. The great abortion debate of a few years ago was one example. The incursion of the LGBT agenda into every aspect of life is another. Whether it’s films, television, social events like gay pride parades, or even the curriculum at children’s schools, Ireland has become saturated in rainbow flags.
Here’s a newsflash, Ireland: it turns out you can’t have both a multicultural society and a culture of open gayness and sexual fetishes. Some of those imported cultures aren’t too keen on the hypersexualised society being fashioned by the LGBT lobby. It turns out the chemicals being mixed up in the laboratory that is Ireland have a tendency to explode in your face, as Snee, Moffit and countless other victims of Europe’s diverse residents have found out in the most unfortunate way possible.
One might be tempted to say that these ‘scientists’ experimenting on the Irish people (and all European peoples) are not willfully malevolent, they are simply thoughtless. They are incompetent, unable to foresee the consequences of their actions. Indeed, they may even be considered well-intentioned. I strongly disagree and I believe the evidence backs up my doubts about the goodness or mere ignorance of those who are reshaping European societies.
First of all, as I mentioned earlier, none of what is happening is natural. There is a clearly manufactured, top-down attempt to change Ireland. Secondly, it’s not as if the dangers of this experiment are unknown. From Germany to Greece, Sweden to Spain, Britain to Belgium, Europe has been wrecked again and again and again by acts of violence carried out by migrants and so-called refugees from sub-saharan Africa and the Muslim populations of the Maghreb, the Middle East, and Near Asia.
While several European countries like France, Germany, and Italy have been suffering demographic replacement and interminable invasion for decades now, Ireland seemed to have been forgotten by the globalists in power. It’s true that Ireland has had its share of non-Irish and non-European residents for many a year, but it wasn’t until the 2015 ‘refugee’ crisis that Ireland found itself dead-centre in the crosshairs of the globalist ruling class. Something like what happened in Sligo would have been unimaginable just 10 to 20 years ago. Indeed, it was only around 10 to 20 years ago that someone like Yousef Palani came to Ireland as part of a ‘refugee’ resettlement scheme.
The murderous actions of this Iranian ‘refugee’ call to mind the evil perpetrated by another ‘refugee’ who came to Europe as a child: the Manchester bomber, Salman Abedi. We Europeans take in these supposed refugees, we rescue them from supposedly horrible fates back in their own countries, and their children repay us by killing our children. And then, to top it all off, our leaders who hate us criminalise our dissent, and half of our fellow citizens who have been lobotomised by constant globalist propaganda turn on us for daring to express our anger and voice the truth: this experiment is an abject failure.
For the simple fact is that Snee, Moffit, Pamela Mastropietro, the children at the Manchester Arena, the passers-by on the Promenade des Anglais, the attendees at the Bataclan Theatre, the crowds on the Drottninggatan, and many many more victims, would still be alive were it not for this utterly wicked imposition of multiracial and multicultural societies.
It has got to the point now where it is not enough to blame the migrants themselves (though they are to blame), nor to blame Islamic extremism (though it is to blame), nor to blame low-IQ mental deficiencies. Blame must also be firmly placed on the backs of the politicians who have enacted these policies, whether they be elite level decision-makers walking the corridors of the European Parliament in Brussels or seated on the stage of a World Economic Forum conference, or whether they be low-level pawns occupying positions in the local town council, it matters not. Anyone who has taken measures to bring these people into our societies deserves a reckoning. That means we can’t forget to include all the NGOs and activists groups who have served for decades as the regime’s loyal workdogs, tirelessly labouring for the cause of bringing about their utopia: a world without borders, without European homogeneity, without patriarchy, without religion.
It is precisely because these people are the most culpable that we must remember to maintain our humanity. As much as I oppose Islamic extremists and their arrival en masse to European societies, I have to admit to feeling a sort of sympathy for someone like Yousef Palani. Assuming, as the details of the murders seem to indicate strongly, that he chose to target gay men, look for them on Grindr, and kill them precisely because they were gay, then it presents a rather tricky situation, especially if one is genuinely concerned about the diverse cultures and peoples of the world.
Palani lives in a country which, as I have demonstrated, is undergoing a total subversion of its traditions and conservative customs. When someone like him looks upon Irish culture, which has become evermore degenerate, can we honestly say that we are surprised that he reacted by meting out what he believes to be God’s justice? When Ireland’s media and academic classes have deconstructed Gaelic identity to the point that being Irish is nothing more than drinking Guinness and eating Tayto, can we honestly be surprised that there is absolutely nothing Palani deemed as worthy of integrating himself into, in comparison to his own Islamic culture?
Furthermore, I feel sorrow for Snee and Moffit. I'm certain that both men would likely not feel any sympathy for me, a dastardly racist, were I to be murdered by a Kurdish Muslim, yet these men were still European. They were still Irish. They were still my kinsmen. For all that I might disapprove of the LGBT agenda and the Alphabet People’s reckless, often repulsive lifestyle, the fact remains that my kinsmen were murdered by someone from an other race and country, who really has no business being in Ireland in the first place. And who knows? Maybe they themselves were not fond of the incessant promotion of ‘queer’ lifestyles. Maybe they themselves were disgusted and horrified by the creeping grooming and sexualisation of Ireland’s children. In these days of exaggerated decadence and the ‘normalisation’ of behaviours which had remained abnormal for very good reason, it can be easy to forget that not all gay men and women are as degenerate as the ones we see promoted by Netflix, Amazon, Youtube, and the bioleninists on social media. Homosexuality has existed probably as long as the human being has existed, and will continue to do so. In a healthy society, the private lives of gays would be just that: private. In a healthy society that has a bit of dignity and self-respect, the sexuality of both heterosexuals and homosexuals would be nothing to talk about, certainly nothing to celebrate with gaudy parades, and certainly nothing to teach to toddlers. But we don’t live in that society. We live in this godforsaken petri dish.
If we want to pull the plug on this experiment, then we must take it upon ourselves, whatever the cost. The salvation of our nations, our history, our future, is worth getting into a few arguments, losing a few friends. At this point, anyone who can’t see—or worse, can’t admit—the harm caused by this failed experiment is someone whose friendship is no longer worth a damn. Voicing the truth, even to the ears of the most powerful and cruel, is a noble endeavour. Take it on. Hopefully, if enough of us speak out and take action, always maintaining our humanity, our dignity, and the remembrance that our cause is just, future generations will not have to live in the ruins of an exploded laboratory.